Thursday, September 17, 2009

"I won't be reading your blog again, as I won't be wasting my time reading something that has clearly no real intellectual merit or thoughtful prose."

Note: This will be my last blog entry on this site. Details at the bottom.

I blog. It's what I do. Generally I keep this blog updated with non-biased, neutrality-based facts of stories I re-report in my own words. I enjoy doing so for many reasons. For one, it's my way of keeping my reporting skills in shape since I'm not in school this semester. It also keeps me motivated to stay updated with politics in the news concerning the American Government and foreign affairs. Generally I'll post the link to this blog on my facebook once I've written a new one. I don't expect many viewers, but simply post it in case anyone feels like taking a glance

Last night I decided to write a story based on all of the "racial-based" stories being reported in the news. From former President Carter's remarks, to President Obama stating that the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" and so on.

Although I try very hard to keep my blogs neutral, last night I picked a side. I was honestly inspired by Wes Nemenz' attacks on my friend as being a racist, simply because he disagrees with many of President Obama's policy-making decisions, leadership and actions thus far. Yes, as immature as it is, I called out Wes. After I wrote my blog, which you can find below this one, I posted it to his wall, respectfully asking for feedback. Instead, I got an attacked response in several comments. (I don't have to worry about him commenting this one, as he's assured me of the title of this blog - a direct quote from Wes). Afterward, I commented on his wall asking him why he tore my article apart instead of taking more of a constructive-criticism approach. His rebuttal was simply filled with more attacks. And then the irony of his defensive rebuttals hit me -- he's a socialist. In fact, right after I called him one, he quickly (and quite maturely) updated his status to "Today, someone called me a Socialist. I said 'thank you'".

You may not understand the irony I found, but allow me to explain.

Aside from Urban Dictionary's definition of Socialism -- "a word many would do well to look up in an actual FUCKING dictionary. NOT communism," there are some key elements to the hypocrisy of his self-proclaimed political stance.

Here are various definitions of "Socialism" from the Apple® Dictionary:



leftism, welfarism; radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;communism, Marxism, labor movement.

•A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

•The term “socialism” has been used to describe positions as farapart as anarchism, Soviet state communism, and social democracy; however, it necessarily implies an opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market.The socialist parties that have arisen in most European countries from thelate 19th century have generally tended toward social democracy.

Now let's take a look of "Types of Socialism" from the Apple® dictionary:

The word "socialism" has been used by many political movements throughout history to describe themselves or their goals, generating numerous types of socialism. Different self-described socialists have used the term socialism to refer to different things, such as an economic system, a type of society, a philosophical outlook, a collection of moral values and ideals, or even a certain kind of human character. Some definitions of socialism are so vague that they may include anything and everyone on Earth,[1] while others are so specific that they only include a small minority of the things that have been described as "socialism" in the past.

Basically hereinbefore lies the argument: What does Wes describe himself as? He was happy that I called him a socialist. I was so happy that I appeased him, that I even decided to dedicate this entire blog to his political "stance," -- or for a better term -- political imbalance.

So what is it that you stand for Wes? Other than calling someone a Racist because they don't agree with political decisions made by an African-American president. You know, there is such a thing as racism from being overly polite and defensive of people of color.

At least I have firm political grounds as to where my beliefs stand.

For anyone interested, I purchased a domain name and am in process of building a website. The site is still under construction, but still holds the name Political Assignments.

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